Monday, January 24, 2011

An introduction, of sorts.

Okay, so this is the deal.  I don't really write much anymore, but I try.  So here's a DISCLAIMER.  I'll probably ramble, because I'm good at it.  I might go off-topic (if I even HAVE a topic, of course!) and will frequently use foul language.  It's how I am, and I won't change that for anyone.  Though I do try to moderate around other people's children.  lol

So this is going to be about craft projects that I work on.  My crafting skills run the gamut, because I really don't have a great attention span these days.  I see a shiny, I get distracted, and that is how it is.  I won't apologize for how things are here.  Though I don't even think I'll need to, since it's unlikely I'll even have any readers!  lol  See, a SHINY!!!  Okay, anyway, my crafting skills.  To begin with, they are VERY varied.  I crochet, cross stitch, embroider, paint, and sew.  I will put down one project in the middle of working on it, then start on another because I get bored with it.But I shall endeavour to try to keep on topic and finish projects, possibly even post pictures when/ if I ever get my camera fixed.

So now on to the project I'm working on currently.  Last year, I got the idea to make a pillow cover for my mother for Christmas.  It was to be a 22" square pillow cover with a 2-inch flange around the edge, and on the front, embroidered outlines of each of my kids hands with an applique in the "palm" of each, and their names embroidered under/ near each hand, with the year in the center.  However, none of it actually happened last year except the sewing together, and I only did THAT so that I could wash it because *someone* (though not one of my kids!) spilled red freaking Kool-Aid on it, but only on the back of it, so it wasn't that bad.  So anyway, it sat around and sat around, and then yesterday, I went into my sewing machine case, and there it was, staring at me, waiting for me to pick it up and work on it.

So last night, I did just that.  Got each of my kids to come over and traced their hands onto the cover, though I decided to skip the flange.  Ooh, hope I can find an insert big enough to fit it now!  Ah well, my mother will figure something out, she's good like that.  So anyway, this is the plan.  Once each child's hand is embroidered on, they will have a personalized applique applied to the empty area in the center "palm" area.  So Child "A"s handprint will be embroidered in red and the applique will be a star, Child "B"s will be embroidered in blue and have two hearts, and Child "C"s hand will be embroidered in a yet-to-be-determined colour (her favourite colour changes as often as the WIND these days!) and she gets a flower.  Each applique will be made out of felt, since I'm not sure what else would hold up well as a free-floating applique.  I'll definitely post pictures when/ if I get my camera fixed/ replaced and figure out how to post pictures, but until then, it'll have to wait.

So that's it, my first entry.  Rather boring, huh?  Eh, but what do you expect?  :)

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