Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So I finally finished all of the blue embroidery on the second child's hand.  Looks pretty good, though I have to say, I think I traced his hand  a bit off.  Some parts looked bumpy where they shouldn't have been and some looked smoother than they should have been.  Ah well, could be worse, right?  So I've started working on the pink hand for the third child, and she decides to tell me that she doesn't LIKE pink anymore, because a friend of hers doesn't like pink!  I told her to deal with it, I had already started and I was NOT going to pull out all that stitching!  But I did a good bit of work on it last night, and it's probably more than halfway done now.  Actually, the pink hand would have been completely finished had I not forgotten to grab my embroidery projects bag when we went to the DR today, but my brain went "Glub" and it was left at home, but since I _DID_ remember to grab my yarn projects bag, I spent the time at the doctor's office working on a baby afghan for a pregnant friend of mine.  Since she doesn't know what she's having yet, it's a very basic green, white and yellow, but she's hoping for a girl.  Oh well, hope the kid likes green, white and yellow too!  lol  I'll probably make a little baby hat for the child as well, but I'll need to get a smaller hook for that.  Really not much going on with my crafting today.  Kinda not even worth putting up a post about it, honestly.  But I figured it wouldn't hurt.  Tomorrow I plan to get the felt that I'll need for each of the applique's.  I'm thinking pink and red for the hearts, golden yellow for the star, but I'm kinda stuck on what colour to make the flower.  The centre will be yellow, but I'm not sure what colour to make the petals.  Must think about it.  I'll probably stitch her name in some shade of violet, so it'll have to coordinate.  Also, I'm tossed up between green and black for the red-handed-child's name.  I think green will make it look Christmas-y, but black will just be too stark and make it look like I don't like him, which I really do.  There's no question about the Blue-handed-child's name, it will be stitched in a lighter shade of blue, since that is his all-time favourite colour.  :)  I'm contemplating blanket-stitching the edges of the pieces before I attach them to the pillow, but I'm not sure I'm *quite* that ambitious.  But rest assured I will let you know when I know!  :)  Gotta go to bed though, since the husband has to work early as HELL tomorrow so I have to get up with the kids.  'Night!

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